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Your home is an ecosystem

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Your home is an ecosystem

Each of our homes is a vibrant ecosystem. A community of living things! There are people, pets, plants, germs and all types of life forms thriving within. Some of these life forms are good (like most spiders, yes), and others are very bad for us like viruses, yeast and mould. 

WE ourselves are part of our home's ecosystem.

Which of these life forms/species do we want to protect and "feed"? Our plants, yes. Our pets, yes. Our families, of course! (Spiders...reluctantly.) No one wants to "feed" harmful mould, yeast and viruses. Or create a breeding ground for mutant "superbugs". And yet...

Many of us are unaware of the impact of using certain products in our home, or "ecosystem". This interesting article from Scientific American on the modern use of antibacterial products discusses the potential harmful impact that the use of these products can have in our homes, in the creation of these modern-day "superbugs":

In addition, certain cleaning and personal care products with harmful chemical ingredients can contribute to a vast array of health issues, including cancer, reproductive and developmental problems. The need to choose safer personal care products without toxics is clear, in this recent article by Kerry Margaret Butch at Rutgers University:

Our promise to you, is to continue developing and creating wonderful, natural and plant-based products without the damaging and toxic chemicals. Products that maintain the vibrant health of your ecosystem and the precious living things within it. 

If you would like to learn more about the ingredients in the current products you use and their potential harmful side-effects to you and your home's ecosystem, please visit these valuable resources for more information on what's actually in your home, beauty and personal care products:

Your home's ecosystem is worth it. YOU are worth it!

People, planet, pure.

