Your skincare, your...mood?

Hi! So, this was seriously FUN. I had the chance to do a facial with my Nana recently, using our Green Sea Clay & Aloe Face Mask (product coming soon!). She's 93 years young - and the inspiration behind our brand - the 'original Elva':
We were giggling like little girls with green stuff all over our faces!
The part I absolutely love most about this picture is that even though our faces are (somewhat hideously) covered in green goop, we are so HAPPY. Female bonding!!!
Isn't a genuine smile the most beautiful thing ever?
One of the reasons we started this company of natural products with essential oils is that we wanted to (literally) help people smile more. Be happier! Feel uplifted in their everyday routines.
We need to take a holistic approach towards what we allow into our lives - and especially into and onto our bodies. Products DO affect us. Toxics in those products can affect our health, mind, body and even our very emotions. {ARTICLE: Rutgers study how personal care products affect our health: "Researchers study how personal care products affect health" }
As much as toxics in products have the proven ability to harm us, the reverse is true of natural ingredients. When used appropriately and in the correct concentrations, plants, herbs, flowers, clay (basically things we'd find naturally occuring in nature) and their extracts have the power to heal, energize and uplift us. Mind, soul and body as a holistic unit. They are connected.
To deny they are connected (as in - "what I put in or on my body won't affect my mood"- type thinking and, "sure, chemicals are fine and safe if they are being sold on the shelf...") is to be...well, disconnected (and possibly simply lacking information). Noone wants to feel disconnected!!
Ok, sounds simple enough. But actually finding great products that truly support our holistic and intersecting goals of total body AND mind health isn't always easy.
There is POWER in plants and natural ingredients. Power to heal. Power to make you smile and even elevate your very mood!
Essential oils are basically concentrated extracts from plants, herbs, fruit...and they are in all of our products. We are careful to include only those oils from proven suppliers that are either organic, wild-crafted or pure and free of contaminants.
Here are links to 3 great articles supporting that essential oils extracts from plants can have an incredible and direct benefit on our mood:
SOURCE: Medical News Today: "Can essential oils treat depression?"
SOURCE: Entrepreneur: "6 Scents That Can Transform Your Mood and Productivity"
SOURCE: MindBody: "Here’s How Essential Oils Can Boost Your Mood"
Lots of products in the marketplace are formulated to keep costs down and make products widely accessible. Profit margins usually come first. High-quality essential oils and plant-based ingredients do unfortunately cost more. But they also do so much more for you!
Since using our toxic-free and plant-based formulations, I can now say that I have my very own 'at-the-sink cheering squad and daily emotional support team'. :) Every time I wash my face, moisturize (or do a nice, GREEN face mask), I feel totally uplifted! I look forward to it as a "me-time" wellness opportunity. It just makes my day that much better, more balanced and well, happier! Life is hard. My hope is that people will see that even the most basic of tasks (like washing your face) can be more than opportunity to just care for your skin; it's also an opportunity to FEEL great in your skin.
How about you? Are your daily personal care products just "doing their job", or do they totally uplift you and make you smile?
People, planet, pure.